
Hüpnootikum: Stas Drive

Hüpnootikum: Stas Drive


January 11th, 2020

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Linna kõige hüpnootilisem pidu tuleb taas. STAS DRIVE on Kiievist pärit DJ ja produtsent, kes viimastel aastatel korralikult progressive house muusikamaailma raputanud on. Väsimatult underground klubi saundi viljeleval mehel on ette näidata juba üle 200 produtseeringu omaloomingu ja remixide näol. Stas Drive’i hüpnootilise soundi atmosfääridest […]

KHEN “Underwater carneval”

KHEN “Underwater carneval”


January 11th, 2020

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TEILE ON TELEGRAM 9/11 toob teile rõõmustavad uudised – pikk ja pakane Siberi talveilm hakkab Maarjamaa parasvöötmest vaikselt haihtuma, millega tähistame ühtlasi jääaja lõppu. 911-kommando on pikalt uurinud erinevaid teatmeteoseid, entsüklopeediaid ja tantsuarhiive ning pärast pikka uurimistööd ei ole vaja vastust kaugelt otsida. Uut hooaega […]

Helisi00n presents. Boshke Beats

Helisi00n presents. Boshke Beats


January 11th, 2020

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Helisioon – is dedicated to deep hypnotic psychedelic side of modern techno music carefully wrapped into carefully designed visual environment with the idea mind to provider visitors unique transcendental experience and unleash technological illusion of our society. For the opening night we bring to Estonia […]

9/11 presents: Terminal Sync (ITALY, Norite Rec)

9/11 presents: Terminal Sync (ITALY, Norite Rec)


January 11th, 2020

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TERMINAL SYNC (IT) (Ekar Rec/ Norite Rec) Padovast pärit Manuel Sabbion ehk Terminal Synci kirg elektroonilise muusika vastu sai alguse juba 90date lõpus. Olles mõjutatud peamiselt vara 90date Rooma ja Berliini kõlast kui ka esimestest euroopa elektroonilise muusika pioneeridest, alustas ta oma DJ karjääri 2005 […]

TODAY Helisi00n & 911 pres. IN20 19 feat Louie Cut, Unbalance

TODAY Helisi00n & 911 pres. IN20 19 feat Louie Cut, Unbalance


January 11th, 2020

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IN2O 19 9/11 together with Helisi00n team collaborate to provide 1st profound clubbing as and intro to year 2019 filled with music energy in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, connection and fun. Strong international and local line up across two rooms will call to new […]

In Love With Deep – Vinyl Classics!

In Love With Deep – Vinyl Classics!


January 11th, 2020

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Klubi 9/11 populaarseim Deep House musa sari In Love With Deep alustab uut aastat klassikaliselt! 1990-2007 oli ajajärk, kust tuli palju sügavaid pärleid. Kohale veetakse vinüülikad ja otsitakse ülesse hoolega valitud palad! Eesotsas Eesti underground skene legend – Meelis Meri! – Meelis Meri (Rulers of […]

HelisiOon Djs Day Special feat Juho Kusti

HelisiOon Djs Day Special feat Juho Kusti


January 11th, 2020

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Next edition of Helisi00n is happening on international Dj day and dedicated to manifest equality in djs community. So we have complied a balanced line up of finest representative of both genders and using both CDj and traditional media vinyls. One is common between all […]

Swedish Techno Mafia: Joel Mull & Patrick Siech

Swedish Techno Mafia: Joel Mull & Patrick Siech


January 11th, 2020

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JOEL MULL (SWE) Before there was EDM and its multiplying sub-genres, there was TECHNO. And at it´s forefront, is Joel Mull. Fueled by a passion that has become increasingly more defned and tangible over two decades, the Swedish DJ/producer has been an avid pursuer of […]

Still Out / Sound of Spring with Jonathan Kaspar

Still Out / Sound of Spring with Jonathan Kaspar


January 11th, 2020

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Still Out toob kevadel klubisse 9/11 tõsised helimeistrid. Saksamaalt maalib teie kõrvadele elektroonilist maagiat tuntust koguv Jonathan Kaspar. Argentiinast toome spetsiaalse technoseti jaoks kohale CSTR aka. ALE CASTRO, lisaks meie enda techno-lady MERIMELL ja Still Outi alumine jõud. Muusikaspekter saab olema võimas ! Still Out […]

9/11 LIVE Showcase

9/11 LIVE Showcase


January 11th, 2020

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9/11 perel on rõõm Teid kutsuda esimesele LIVE-muusika üritusele meie klubis! Reedel, 26. Aprillil toimuv “Live Showcase” toob kahel laval kuulajateni 5 erinäolist artisti ühe õhtu jooksul. ( Eng below) “LIVE SHOWCASE” Black Bread Gone Mad The Jingles Jordan Jackson (UK) Siim Koppel (handpan) OOPUS […]