
Flat Horizon: Roger Martinez

Flat Horizon: Roger Martinez


January 11th, 2020

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April 14 - 23:00


April 15 - 08:00

Event Tags:

progressive house

Event Website


Tulika 9/11

Tallinn, Estonia, 10613

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*english below*

Oled oodatud esimesele lameda Maa reivile! Kuna reaalsus loob end läbi vaataja silmade, siis lase oma meel vabaks ja tule koge täiesti sirget silmapiiri kõige lõbusamal võimalikul viisil. Klubi 9/11 siseneb sel ööl uude dimensiooni, lounge´i on spetsiaalselt selle peo jaoks ehitatud mugav horisontaalne lebola ja seinu kaunistavad konseptuaalsed dekoratsioonid kohalike lamemaalaste poolt (VJ Space Balloon). Peole pääseb ainult võtmega! Võti = ülihea tuju 🙂


Reivi peaesinejaks on tunnustatud DJ, multiinstrumentalist ja produtsent Roger Martinez, mees, kelle 2006. aasta debüütsingel „The House” koheselt toonase maailma number 1 DJ Paul Van Dyk’i edetabelisse jõudis. Kuigi Rogerit teatakse ennekõike kui progressive DJ-d, on tema setid ehe näide, et tema musikaalne maitse ulatub palju kaugemale.
„Muusika peab sisaldama endas müsteeriumit, harmooniat ja meloodiat. Need on inimeste tunnete ja emotsioonide põhi-elemendid ning sellepärast muusika ühendabki inimesi,” ütleb Roger Martinez. Hernan Cattaneo, Stephan Bodzin, Nick Warren, Laurent Garnier, Secret Cinema, Guy J, Fedde le Grand, Tiësto, Marco V ja Paul van Dyk on vaid üksikud nimed, kes Roger Martinezi meisterlikkust tunnustavad. Kuigi Martinezi uusimad lood kipuvad rohkem tehno žanri poole, on endiselt tegemist DJ-ga, kes suudab end huvitaks teha väga erineva maitsega klubimuusika austajatele.

Lisaks Roger Martinezile hoolitsevad muusikalise rännaku eest kodumaised tegijad:

► Solid Steel (R2 „Progressioon”)

► Type-O (9/11, Hypnootikum)

► Hando Tõnumaa (9/11, Technoir)

FLAT HORIZON reiv on ka Telegrami Konverents 2017 ametlik afterparty!

★ Pilet kuni südaööni 10€/peale südaööd 12€
LISTIS olles pilet enne südaööd 8€
LISTIS olemiseks vajuta “Osalen”/”Going”
List läheb lukku 2h enne peo algust
NB! Telegrami Konverents 2017 käepaelaga, pilet 5€

★ Eelmüügi piletid saadaval Valdo äppist
Osta pilet juba ette Valdo äppist ja pääsed soodsama hinnaga piletiga klubisse ka peale südaööd.
P.S. Piletimüük Valdo äppis lõpeb 2h enne ürituse algust!

Lae alla Valdo iOS:
Lae alla Valdo Android:

★ Ööklubi 9/11 jätab endale õiguse valida klientuuri
Ööklubi 9/11 asub aadressil Tulika 9/11
Uksed 23.00

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Welcome to the first ever flat Earth rave! Since reality constructs itself thru the observer’s eyes, set your mind free and come experience a completely flat horizon in the most fun way possible. That night 9/11 enters to a new dimension, with a comfy horisontal chillax area built solely for this event. Conceptual disain by local Flat Earthers (VJ Space Balloon). You need a special key to participate in this party! Key = fantastic mood!


Headliner Roger Martinez is a renowned DJ, producer and multi instrumentalist from Holland. Although he has been known through the years as a “Progressive DJ”, his sets are living proof that his musical taste reaches much further. Especially in his own productions he tries to go beyond genres and formats. He approaches (dance) music from an emotional perspective and emotions can be hard to label. He explains: ,,Music must contain mystery, harmony and melody. These elements are the key to
human emotions and feelings.” This vision lay at the basis of Roger’s initial and quick rise to the forefront of the dance scene. His first ever released record “The House” was immediately charted by Paul van Dijk, number 1 DJ at the time according to DJ Mag.

His music has been supported through the years by the likes of Hernan Cattaneo, Stephan Bodzin, Laurent Garnier, Secret Cinema, Guy J, Fedde le Grand, Tiësto,
Marco V, Paul van Dyk and many more. As his recent tracks are leaning towards a Techno sound – although Martinez always keeps his musical crosshairs aimed at the full musical spectrum – he is gaining support and respect from an even wider scope of DJ’s and producers!

Local support:

► Solid Steel (R2, „Progressioon”)

► Type-O (9/11, Hypnootikum)

► Hando Tõnumaa (9/11, Technoir)

FLAT HORIZON rave is the official afterparty of the Telegram Conference 2017!

★ Entrance: 10€ (before midnight) / 12€ (after)
LIST: 8€ (before midnight)
Click “Going” to be in the LIST!
List closes 2h prior to the event!
NB! Ticket with Telegram Conference 2017 wristband 5€!

★ Presale tickets available at Valdo app
Download Valdo app and get your 9/11 ticket with special price now.
P.S. Ticket presale ends 2h before the start of the event!

Get Valdo for iOS:
Get Valdo for Android:

Address: Tulika 9/11
Doors 23.00

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