
Berlin Tanznacht

Berlin Tanznacht


January 11th, 2020

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January 27 - 23:00


January 28 - 08:00

Event Tags:

tech house, techno

Event Website


Tulika 9/11

Tallinn, Estonia, 10613

Berlin Tanznacht on tagasi! See on pidu, kust ei tasu puududa, sest oleme kohale kutsunud Euroopa technopealinnas Berliinis inspiratsiooni ammutavad ja resideeruvad DJ-d LUCA TORRE ja LORENZO CHIABOTTI, kes stiilipuhast ja sügavat masinamuusikat tehnomekast kaasa toovad.

Luca Torre (Clock’Art Records)

Sündinud Šveitsis aga üles kasvanud Itaalias, tegi Samuel Severino aka Luca Torre oma esimesed katsetused elektroonilises muusikas aastal 1996, millest sai peagi tema suurim kirg. Katsetades erinevate muusika stiilidega triphopist technoni ja veel arhitektuurilisemate soundidega nagu drum’n’bass ja breakcore, tõi elutee Luca Torre 2004. aastal Berliini, kust tast sai elukutseline heliinsener ja helidisainer. Tema huvi süntesaatorite ja modular süsteemide vastu viis ta kokku kuulsa helielektroonika firmaga Arturia, kus ta asus välja arendama preset´e. Heliinsenerina on Luca töötanud ka filmimaailmas kuid tema tõeline kirg muusiku ja DJ-na on alles viimasel ajal suuremat hoogu sisse saamas. Peale mitmeid aastaid katsetusi ning erinevate labelite all nii mp3-esid kui ka vinüüle välja andnud, avanes 2016. aastal Luca Torrel võimalus luua enda label Clock’Art Records. Võib öelda, et Luca Torre karjäärile annab boosti tema kirg, talent ning koostöö ja tunnustus kuulsate techno artistide poolt.
Luca puhul on tegemist tõelise eklektilise avangard DJ-ga, fanaatilise heliinseneri ja uute helide arhitektiga, kellest saame kuulda veel pikki aastaid.

Klubid, kus Luca Torre on mänginud:

– Panoramabar (Berlin)
– Club der Visionäre (Berlin)
– Bar 25 (Berlin)
– Dachkantine (Zürich)
– Frieda’s Büxe (Zürich)
– Womb (Tokyo)
– Karnivall (Medellin)
– Cocolicce (Buenos Aires)
– Link (Bologna)

– Sonar 2006 (Barcelona)
– Caprices 2010 & 2012 (Crans-Montana)
– NOT 2014 (Geneva)
– Burning Man 2016 (Nevada)

Lorenzo Chiabotti (Outerplace, Vinyl Club)

Itaaliast Torinost pärit Lorenzo Chiabotti sai endale muusikapisiku külge juba varajases eas. Algselt trumme mänginud ja muusikakoolis õppinud Lorenzo avastas enda jaoks peagi sekventserid (step sequencing) ja midi programmid, mis viisid tema kire elektroonilise muusika vastu järgmisele tasemele. Peagi vahetas ta oma trummikomplekti välja masinate vastu, et luua helisid, mis olid talle tõeliselt südamelähedased. See oli samuti tema teismeeas, kui ta avastas Torino rave’i skene, mis tema inspiratsiooni mõjutas ja kasvatas.

Aastal 2006 otsustas Lorenzo veeta suve Ibizal, kus ta tutvus Luc Ringeiseniga. Lorenzo andis Lucile oma demo seni avaldamata produktsioonidega ning juba paari nädala möödudes sai temast Ringeiseni plaadipoe ja labeli Vinyl Club perekonnaliiga. Peatselt sai Lorenzo Chiabotti lugusid kuulda Ibiza sellistes klubides nagu DC-10 ja Privilege.

Kuna Ibiza klubimaailm muutus aastatega ühe kommertslikumaks, otsustas Lorenzo Luc Ringeiseni soovitusel lõpuks aastal 2010 kolida Berliini, kust ta avastas enda jaoks uue inspiratsiooni läbi mitmekesise kvaliteetse klubimuusika kultuuri, mida põnev ja õitsev Berliini skene pidevalt pakub.
Ta viis oma inspiratsiooni stuudiosse ja hakkas välja arendama oma enda saundi. Ühesoos Vinyl Clubi liikme Maki Polnega hakkas sündima rida lugusid, mida täna on välja antud ka selliste labelite alt nagu Delooped Records, Vekton, and Vekton Black. Lorenzo on koostööd teinud ka Desolati artisti Yayaga, nende lugu “GrandeTosse” Kina Musicu alt sai underground skenes palju positiivset tagasidet.

Lorenzo soundi võib iseloomustada kui funkyst mõjutatud techno, kuhu on segatud house´i ja veidi tumedust, mis üheskoos tekitavad korraliku mineku tantsupõrandal. Kui Lorenzo pole stuudios, siis võib teda leida dekkide taga Berliinis ja mujal maailmas, mängides sellistes klubides nagu Doctor Sax, The Zoo Project, Club Der Visionäre, Kater, Fabric London and Arena.

Das ist die Tanznacht!
★ Pilet kuni südaööni 10€/peale südaööd 12€

★ Ööklubi 9/11 jätab endale õiguse valida klientuuri
Ööklubi 9/11 asub aadressil Tulika 9/11
Uksed 23.00

Luca Torre (Clock’Art Records)

Orinigally from Italy but born in Switzerland, Samuel Severino aka Luca Torre did his first steps in electronic music in early 1996 for which he discovered a true passion. From triphop to techno going through more architectural sounds like drum´n´bass or Brackcore. He arrived in Berlin in 2004 and continued to work on his dedication to music by becoming a sound engineer and a sound designer. His interest for synthesis and modular systems brought him to work for the famous company Arturia where he then developed Presets. He also worked in the film industry where he took part in various projects. Follows up some releases on mp3 and vinyls on several labels and then began collaborations with various artists.
2016 is finally the arrival of it´s big label project. After several cogitation years he finally runs and owns the label Clock’Art Records where beautiful surprises await. His career is currently being boost by his passion, talent and famous techno artists name´s recognition who took part in his projects. Luca is a pure eclectic and avant-garde dj. He is real fanatic sound designer, as much as an architecht of new sound constructions. He is a true artist who will keep on impressing us for years to come.

Some Club :
Panoramabar (Berlin)
Club der Visionäre (Berlin)
Bar 25 (Berlin)
Dachkantine (Zürich)
Frieda’s Büxe (Zürich)
Womb (Tokyo)
Karnivall (Medellin)
Cocolicce (Buenos Aires)
Link (Bologna)….
Some Festival :
Sonar 2006 (Barcelona)
Caprices 2010 & 2012
NOT 2014 (Geneva),
Burning Man 2016 (Nevada)…

Lorenzo Chiabotti (Outerplace, Vinyl Club)
Originally hailing from Turin, Italy, Lorenzo Chiabotti began his love
affair with music at a very young age. First playing the drums and then
studying music at the Music School of Art, where he began to learn many
different elements of music. It was during this time that he began to study
step sequencing and midi programs that really took him to the next level of
his passion for electronic music. Once he began to experiment with these
sounds he no longer wanted to play drums and traded in his drum set for
machines that he could use to create the sound of his symphonic love. It
was also during his teenage years that he began to immerse himself in
Turin’s rave scene where his inspiration continued to develop and grow.

Soon everything would change for the young determined artist. He decided to
spend a summer season in Ibiza in 2006. It was here that he would meet Luc
Ringeisen in his record store on the island. Lorenzo gave Luc a demo of his
unreleased productions and after a few weeks he became a part of the Vinyl
Club family. Shortly after that he began to hear his tracks being played
all over the island that summer in clubs like DC-10 and Privilege.

After a few summer seasons of living in Ibiza, Lorenzo wanted something
more. His good friend Luc Ringeisen had moved from Ibiza and kept telling
Lorenzo to move to Berlin. Finally in 2010 he would relocate permanently to
Berlin. It was there that he would find a new level of inspiration from the
vast variety of quality music in the excitement of the flourishing Berlin
scene. He took this inspiration directly to the studio to begin to further
develop and evolve his sound. Shortly after relocating to Berlin he began
to collaborate with Vinylclub label mate Maki Polne where they released a
slew of records together on the label as well as their recent releases on
Delooped Records, Vekton, and Vekton Black. Lorenzo also has heavily
collaborated with Yaya of Desolat an old friend from his past in Ibiza.
Their track “GrandeTosse” together on Kina was well received critically and
in the underground circuit.

Lorenzo’s sound can be described as funk driven Techno that is reshuffled
with House and adds just a bit of darkness that keeps it all tightly woven
together in a forward thinking manner. When he isn’t in the studio you can
catch him behind the decks throughout Berlin and the world, playing in
places such as Doctor Sax, The Zoo Project, Club Der Visionäre, Kater, Fabric London and Arena.

Das ist die Tanznacht!

Address: Tulika 9/11
Doors 23.00

★ Ticket 10€ (before midnight) / 12€ (after)

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