9/11 presents: Guy Mantzur (ISR)
Local support:
► Ivo Naries (Bling)
► Type-O (9/11, Hypnootikum)
✔ Ticket price: before midnight 12€ / after midninght 15€
Club 9/11 address is: Tulika 9/11, Tallinn, Doors 23:00
Tel Avivist pärit Guy Mantzur on üks võtmeisikutest, kes viimase 10 aasta jooksul koos Guy J, Chicola, Guy Gerberi, Sahar Z jt on kinnistanud Iisraeli house´i maailma kaardile. Mantzur loob elektroonilist muusikat, mida ei saa kategoriseerida ühte žanrisse, peegeldades mõjutusi tech house’sit, technost ja progressive house’ist, on ta loonud endale erilise musikaalse šablooni ja saanud tunnustust nii DJ kui artistina üle maailma. Tema hüpnootilised meloodiad ja võrgutav gruuv on koheselt ära tuntavad nii produktsioonides kui ka DJ-settides.
Guy läbimurre toimus 2013. aastal kui temast sai aina kasvava Tel Avivi underground scene säravaim täht – linna populaarseima klubi The Cat & The Dog residendina pälvis ta Iisraeli parima underground DJ 2013 tiitli.
Tema reliisid selliste labelite alt nagu Kompakt, Diynamic, Systematic, Bedrock, Sudbeat, Lost & Found on toonud talle uusi fänne üle maailma. Sellele lisaks juhib Mantzur ka Münchenis baseeruvat labelit Plattenbank, üheskoos Yaniv Taliga, olles nõnda veel üheks väljundiks tema muusikalisele loomusele.
Märkimisväärsed esinemised:
Kuigi Guy Mantzuri graafik on pidevalt täis, ei näita mees väsimuse märke astudes üles olulistel festivalidel ja klubides nagu: Space (Ibiza), Pacha (Buenos Aires), Fusion Festival (Saksamaa), Stereo (Montreal), Output (NYC), Loveland Festival (Holland), Ministry Of Sound (London), Orfeo (Cordoba), Harry Klein (München) jne.
Olulised reliisid:
Guy Mantzuri muusika on korduvalt jõudnud Beatporti edetabelite tippu ja tema loomingut mängivad klubimuusika suurkujud üle maailma.
★ Lost & Found
Guy J – Lost & Found (Guy Mantzur & Sahar Z Remix)
TOP 10 Tech House Chart
★ Sudbeat
Guy Mantzur – Moments (Artist Album)
#1 Beatport
Lost & Found
Guy Mantzur – Time (Artist album)
#1 Beatport
★ Bedrock
Nick Warren & Guy Mantzur – Sad Robot
#3 Techno Chart
★ Kompakt
Guy Mantzur & Roy Rosenfeld – Epika
#4 Tech House chart
#1 Kompakt müügitavelis
Ibiza suve hümn 2015
★ Plattenbank
Guy J – Stolen Memory (Guy Mantzur Remix)
#1 Electronica charts
★ Diynamic
Guy Mantzur – Trees Of Eden
#1 Electronica charts
★ Systematic
Guy Mantzur & Roy Rosenfeld – Hidden Karisma
Top10 Beatport
★ Hommage
Monkey Safari – Boris (Guy Mantzur Remix)
#20 Beatport Tech House
★ Lost & Found
Khen & Guy Mantzur – Children With No Name (Feat. Kamila)
#2 Progressive charts
Tel Aviv based Guy Mantzur specializes in creating electronic music that defies over-simple genre classification. Drawing influences from Tech House, Techno and proper Progressive House, he creates his own distinctive musical template that has seen him establish himself as a top DJ/Producer worldwide. He is instantly recognisable through his unique hypnotic melodies and seductive grooves, both in his productions and his DJ sets.
2013 Recognised as a leading light in the ever-growing Tel Aviv underground music scene, Residency at the city’s most popular club – The Cat & The Dog Won Guy the Title “Israel’s Best Underground DJ 2013”XL Awards.
His releases on labels such as Kompakt, Diynamic, Systematic, Bedrock, Sudbeat, Lost & Found always turn heads and gain him new fans. In addition to his studio talents, Guy is also the co-owner and A&R for the Munich-based label Plattenbank, alongside Yaniv Tal, which provides another outlet for his musical creations.
Highlights Performances:
With a non-stop schedule at some of dance’s key international locations Guy showed no signs of fatigue with prestigious shows at:
Space (Ibiza), Pacha (Buenos Aires), Fusion Festival (Germany),Stereo (Montreal), Output (NYC), Loveland Festival (Netherlands), Ministry Of Sound (London), Orfeo (Cordoba), Harry klein (Munich)